

HHS Grad Photo

Hackensack High School
Yearbook Photo

After I had written the material below on April 7, 2022, I spoke to my Aunt who is 95 years old. During our conversation, she mentioned Donald Harrison Fraser, who graduated with her in 1944. He was a very popular guy, who had gone missing during the war, and how sad it was. 

Those who knew these young men never forget there sacrifice. 

Donald Harrison’s name was not on the Hackensack High School Wall Unit  or
1946 Yearbook Dedication page, because he was not officially declared missing until many months after the war in 1946. 

George Toriello sent me this information on January 2, 2020 on
Donald Harrison Fraser’s service:

Donald Harrison Fraser’s name is on the Plaque at Hackensack City Hall listing those men who gave the Supreme Sacrifice during World War II
Donald Harrison Fraser was born around 1927 because the 1940 Federal Census reveals that Donald Harrison Fraser was living at 43 Poplar Avenue in Hackensack, New Jersey and was 13 years old at the time. 

We have no record of when he entered the Army, but while in the service, he was a Private 1st Class in the Army Air Force with Unit 4th Rescue Squadron.  Whatever happened to Donald Harrison Fraser had to have happened very close to the end of the war because he would not have been eligible to serve until he was 18 in late 1944 or 1945 the last year of World War II

Donald Harrison Fraser was not officially recorded Missing in Action until
June 1, 1946, almost ten months after World War II ended totally on
September 2, 1945. 

Donald Harrison Fraser name is also listed in Honolulu on the

Written by:
Bob Meli
March 29, 2022


Background image of Army Air Force World War II insignia obtained from: